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Monday, 15 February 2010

Podcast number 19

Some of the best music you have never heard! In no particular order you can hear Rainer StraschilMatt Stevens, The Wilton Project, Fernwood and ME!

Watch With Mothers review tunes by VegaFunky Poets and Hamilton

 I chat to Matt about Last FM and Myspace

The winner of last weeks First Fifteen Sunna Gunnlaugs get their track played in full and James Leblonde comes up with a jingle for this weeks. 

To listen you can either click the iTunes button on the right (recommended) you can subscribe and add comments or you can listen using this sweet little player!

Remember to vote for your First Fifteen Favourite!


  1. Comment from the podbean blog:

    Hamilton // Feb 15, 2010 at 4:28 pm

    Hello Watch With Mothers, and thank you for your review.

    You certainly described my music perfectly. I try and capture happy, fun and light in my music. I gotta have my bubblegum pop.

    BTW, in answer to your question, Hamilton is my middle name and the name I go by as an Artist. My real name is Paul Glover.

    Thanks again. You guys are funny and entertaining.

    And than you Nick Tann.

  2. Another comment from the Podbean blog:

    Eggshell Egoz // Feb 15, 2010 at 6:03 pm

    Hey Watch With Mothers, thanks for the review always interesting hearing different perspective’s on our music.

    Just to clear it up, the song is called Funky Poetz, our band is eggshell egoz. Loved the Zappa references as we dig Zappa and know Terry Bozzio as well. In response to doing more mid-tempo songs we definitely have those in our repetoire.

    Thanks guys you’re great to listen to.

    Thanks as well Nick

    Dave Whitton Eggshell Egoz

  3. Hi Nick, thanks for all the kind words and for playing my music. One minor correction though, Sunna Gunnlaugs is not really a band.... it's me!

  4. Hey Nick,

    thanks for having me on your oustanding podcast and introducing me so nicely, and especially so after I did not follow proper procedure for submitting my stuff (no bad intent, I got a little lost with the blogspot/podbean website content relationship).

    I'll most certainly will submit some stuff that's in airplay format at least length-wise - what's the maximum length you're able to use? ;)



  5. Sunna, consider calling your band Sunna Gunnlugs....

    Rainer, I'd say around five minutes .

  6. Top work as usual Nick - your best yet mate

  7. You sure that the email address posted here for submissions works? I got the following:
    "550 550 5.2.1 The email account that you tried to reach is disabled."

  8. Thanks for the heads-up Rainer. Google have thrown a wobbly about the account. They think I'm a spammer! Should be sorted soon.
    In the meantime if folk want to submit tunes then just use as it says on the side panel.
